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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: justal

Member#: 1
Registered: 21-07-2002
Diary Entries: 2989

Mood: Just Chillin Dude
7th October 2003
Windsurfing: Golf Course Car Park, Borth
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Stength: 25 knots
Surf / Sea State: 4-5 foot surf
Air Temperature: 15ºC
Sea Temperature: 16ºC
Weather: Sunny spells
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

For Saturdays session, I said it would have been better if the waves were bigger, but gave it five stars anyway as it was still a really good session with loads of cool F-O-N people. Sunday was Ok, and then Monday went mad with 30-40 knot winds all day, and I needed a rest so didn't go out. However, today was just perfect. Yesterdays winds had certainly increased the surf and there were some monster swells out the back.

I had a lovely session, well powered up on my wave board with a 5m sail. Straight onto the plane, hopping over the smaller lines of whitewater, then hitting a few of the bigger walls of whitwater and floating up and over them, before hiting the steeper walls of the swell lines at full pelt into some massive jumps. I did bail out on a few of the highest ones though. I'd then blast across the choppy water out the back heading upwind, over some of the big big swells, before carving into some really commited gybes on the face of the swells, really burying the rail and cranking the board around to come out planing at full speed down the huge swell faces... I had a few good wave rides on the way in as well, but the wves weren't really holding up, so it was more a case of carving around a chunk of whitewater, then carving hard upwind to hit the critical part of the wave and just cranking the board around back towards the beach and dropping down the face of the wave, which on occasion went vertical and pitched me out in front of it.

What a session. No one else out, just me and the waves.

I was far too hot in my winter suit though and had to keep flushing water in through the neck seal to cool myself down.
Toys Used:
Mistral Eruption 257cm 76 litres
Gun Wave MC 5.0
North Sting 50 400
Gun Wave (2003) 150-200
Josh Angulo Ballistic Wave 24cm
Sola Concept 6/5/4/3



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